CSCI 261 Programming Concepts (C++)

Winter/Spring 2012

Sections, Graders, Tutoring Sessions

Note that Friday classes are labs and may be held in different locations per section.

Section Time Lecture Location Instructor Friday Lab Location Office Hours
A 9:00 AM BB 316A Thyago Mota BB 316A M 1-4PM, BB 280A
B 10:00 AM GC GE257 Thyago Mota BB 316A M 1-4PM, BB 280A
C 11:00 AM BE 205 Teresa Davies BB 316B M 9-11AM, W 2-4PM, BB 282
D 1:00 PM BE 204 Teresa Davies CT 129 M 9-11AM, W 2-4PM, BB 282
E 2:00 PM BB W210 Craig Champlin CT 129 Tu & Th, 10-11:30AM, Cafe13
F 3:00 PM BE 205 Craig Champlin BB 316A Tu & Th, 10-11:30AM, Cafe13

Tutoring Sessions

Our undergraduate Teaching Assistants are providing tutoring sessions twice a week in the CTLM Commons.

Day & Time Location TAs
Mondays from 7 - 9PM CTLM Commons Lauren & Luke
Wednesdays from 7 - 9PM CTLM Commons Aakash & Luke
Lauren Luke Aakash


Grading is conducted by Randeep Yahathugoda (sections C & D), Longxiang Chen (sections A, B, E & F) and "The Terminator," our automated grading toolkit.