Note: Be sure to complete Reading 6 and read this entire project description before hacking away.
Implement all the logic gates presented in Chapter 1. The only building blocks that you can use are primitive Nand gates and the composite gates that you will gradually build on top of them.
Read ECS chapter 1.
Review ECS Appendix A 5.1 and 5.2.
Referring to the two-variable boolean functions table on TECS page 10, this boolean proofs pdf and the algebraic examples in CODE may be helpful.
Within your src
directory, create a subdir named project01
. Extract the contents of project into it.
Your file structure should now look like:
Add, commit and push the new files.
While working on this project, be sure to commit often. I usually commit one time per each .hdl once I know it's passing my tests. Once you're done with the entire project, push.
The only tool that you need for this project is the hardware simulator supplied with the book. All the chips should be implemented in the HDL language specified in Appendix A. For every one of the chips mentioned in Chapter 1, we provide a skeletal .hdl
program (text file) with a missing implementation part. In addition, for each chip we provide a .tst
script file that tells the hardware simulator how to test it, along with the correct output file that this script should generate, called .cmp
or "compare file". Your job is to complete the missing implementation parts of all the supplied .hdl
When loaded into the Hardware Simulator, your chip design (modified .hdl
program), tested on the supplied .tst
file, should produce the outputs listed in the supplied .cmp
file. If that is not the case, the simulator will let you know.
Let's say you want to start working on the Not chip.
in the editor of your choice and implement the chip.
Chip (HDL) |
Function |
Test script |
Compare file |
Nand |
Nand gate (primitive) | ||
Not |
Not gate | Not.tst | Not.cmp |
And |
And gate | And.tst | And.cmp |
Or |
Or gate | Or.tst | Or.cmp |
Xor |
Xor gate | Xor.tst | Xor.cmp |
Mux |
Mux gate | Mux.tst | Mux.cmp |
DMux |
DMux gate | DMux.tst | DMux.cmp |
Not16 |
16-bit Not | Not16.tst |
Not16.cmp |
And16 |
16-bit And | And16.tst |
And16.cmp |
Or16 |
16-bit Or | Or16.tst |
Or16.cmp |
Mux16 |
16-bit multiplexor |
Mux16.tst |
Mux16.cmp |
Or8Way |
Or(in0,in1,...,in7) |
Or8Way.tst |
Or8Way.cmp |
Mux4Way16 |
16-bit/4-way mux |
Mux4Way16.tst |
Mux4Way16.cmp |
Mux8Way16 |
16-bit/8-way mux |
Mux8Way16.tst |
Mux8Way16.cmp |
DMux4Way |
4-way demultiplexor |
DMux4Way.tst |
DMux4Way.cmp |
DMux8Way |
8-way demultiplexor |
DMux8Way.tst |
DMux8Way.cmp |
The Nand gate is considered primitive and thus there is no need to build it: whenever you use Nand in one of your HDL programs, the simulator automatically invokes the built-in builtInChips/Nand.hdl
implementation. I recommend implementing the gates in this project in the order in which they appear in the chapter. (However, since the simulator features built-in versions of all these chips, you can always use the chips without defining them first: the simulator will automatically invoke their built-in versions).
For example, consider the skeletal Mux.hdl
program supplied in this project. Suppose that for one reason or another you did not complete the implementation of Mux, but you still want to use Mux chips as internal parts in other chip designs. This is not a problem, thanks to the following convention. If our simulator fails to find a Mux.hdl
file in the current directory, it automatically invokes a built-in Mux implementation, pre-supplied with the simulator’s software. This built-in Mux implementation -- a Java class stored in the simulator's builtIn
directory -- has the same interface and functionality as those of the Mux chip described in the book. Thus, if you want the simulator to ignore one or more of your chip implementations, simply move the corresponding .hdl
files out from the current directory.
I must be able to pull your repo at 5PM on Friday, January 29 and I should see your completed chip implementations in your project01