Clustering Algorithms

K-Means Clustering

The Algorithm

Unlike hierarchical clustering, K-Means clustering involves the user to first specify the number of clusters that the will be created. Initially, the centroids are placed at random points throughout the data set and every item in the data set is assigned to a centroid. The centroids are then moved to the average location of all the data points that are assigned to it. After the data points are reassigned to the centroids, this process repeats until the changes in the reassignments stops. Figure 1 below illustrates this algorithm:

Figure 1. K-Means clustering of five data points. The centroid are represented as dark circles while the data points are represented by letters.

Python Implementation

# K-means clustering - take data rows as input & # of clusters
# Algorithm:
#    1. Place k random centroids & assign to every item 
#    2. Move centroids to the avg location of all assigned nodes; reassign objects
#    3. Repeat until objects stop getting assigned
import random
def k_means(rows, distance_metric=pearson_correlation, k=4):
	# get the min & max for each pt
	ranges = [(min([each_row[i] for each_row in rows])
	for i in range(len(rows[0]))]
	# Step 1 of alg
	clusters = [[random_place.random()*(ranges[i][1] - ranges[i][0])+ ranges[i][0]
		for i in range(len(rows[0]))] for j in range(k)]
	last_matches_list = None
	for iteration_num in range(100):
		print 'Iteration %d' % iteration_num
		best_matches_list = [[] for i in range(k)]
		# Step 2
		for j in range(len(rows)):
			row =  rows[j]
			best_match = 0
			for i in range(k):
				calculated_distance = distance_metric(cluster[i], row)
				if calculated_distance < distance_metric(clusters[best_match],row): best_match = i
		# If nothing has changed, then algorithm is done
		if best_matches_list == last_matches_list: break
		last_matches_list = best_matches_list
		# Move centroid to average position of its objects
		for i in range(k):
                  average = [0.0]*len(rows[0])
                  if len(best_matches_list[i]) > 0:
                    for row_id in best_matches_list[i]:
                       for m in range(len(rows[rowid])):
                          average[m] += rows[row_id][m]
                    for j in range(len(average)):
                       average[j] /= len(best_matches_list[i])
                    clusters[i] = average
       return best_matches_list


The previous content is based on Chapter 3 of the following book:
Segaran, Toby. Programming Collective Intelligence: Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media, 2007.

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