Project 7: Assocation Rule Mining with Wikipedia Tag Data Set

Project Goal

The goal of project is discovering the internal association rule in thouands of wikipedia tags and exploring association rule algorithms. The article tag is arbitraraly given by the online user. Certain tag attributes are found to be related each other. The association rule algorithm discovers the correlation relationship ammong the tags. The association result is helpful to define well-categorized tag attribute for future, and also can help to improve the accuracy for clustering algorithm when selecting subset of low-correlated tag feature.

Wiki10+ Data Set

I used the same data set Wiki10+ as in project 6. However, I extracted much more tag attributes and data object in this project since the primary goal is discovering the correlation among multiple tags.

Data Mining Toolkit

The following data mining algorithms and tasks are performed in WEKA3.6. WEKA is open source software. It contains tools for data pre-processing, classification, regression, clustering, association rules, and visualization. WEKA 3.6 is the latest stable version of WEKA. I installed WEKA 3.6 on Windows XP with JDK 1.6.

Data Pre-Processing

  1. Set up Database Schema

    I created two tables tag_subset and article_tag_subset to construct the idea subset for data mining. The overall tag attributes is 20,000+, and can not fully loaded into weka. Also most tag attributes are only used in several articles. Therefore selecting the popular tag attribute as the subset is more effecient for association rule mining process.

    The tables in blue color stores the raw data extracted from xml file, and they were created in project 6. Table tag_subset holds the popular tag subset by counting the frequency of tag attributes in articles. Table article_tag_subset holds the subset article data object with the count of selected tag attributes. Below is the overall database schema.

  2. select subset of article

    In order to include as many data objects as possible, all the 2483 articles are loaded in the table article_tag_subset. Below is the statistic data for all articles data set.

    total number of tags: 21107
    total number of articles: 2483
    number of tags in a article: Min: 4
    Max: 30
    Mean: 21.975
    Stddev: 7.245
    frequency of tags in all articles: Min: 1
    Max: 2005
    Mean: 2.585
    Stddev: 18.613
  3. select subset of tags

    I chose the top 100 popular tags out of 21107 for association mining. The popularity of the tag is measured by the frequency of the tag occuring in all articles. I sorted the popularity in the database by joining table articles, tags, article_tags. The subset of 100 popular tag is as below. Column name is the name of tag. Column count(idarticles) is the frequency of the tag.

    name idtags count(idarticles)
    wikipedia 217 2005
    wiki 225 1045
    reference 238 685
    history 211 437
    research 233 364
    science 357 315
    programming 745 238
    culture 374 236
    people 270 227
    philosophy 273 217
    interesting 561 211
    article 219 207
    art 420 197
    politics 678 183
    design 215 182
    software 434 172
    language 407 167
    books 268 165
    psychology 320 152
    technology 884 152
    music 236 150
    theory 323 149
    math 553 146
    development 743 146
    computer 404 145
    religion 699 138
    literature 276 134
    education 580 122
    information 552 117
    business 624 116
    health 336 113
    mathematics 554 105
    writing 271 102
    definition 423 102
    fun 535 100
    internet 617 99
    inspiration 723 99
    encyclopedia 1309 97
    linux 428 97
    articles 572 96
    cool 1484 95
    web 292 93
    english 509 93
    economics 514 92
    travel 1186 91
    architecture 889 90
    reading 468 89
    physics 1153 87
    film 632 86
    network 2682 82
    biography 563 81
    video 432 80
    learning 577 80
    games 397 80
    algorithms 2034 78
    book 373 78
    - 2140 77
    security 1109 77
    tools 251 76
    opensource 444 75
    movies 786 74
    hardware 252 73
    words 1654 71
    work 667 70
    funny 287 70
    social 891 70
    management 792 69
    free 972 68
    usa 239 68
    info 395 68
    biology 1066 67
    game 1770 67
    ideas 418 66
    school 719 66
    tech 817 66
    list 489 66
    artist 892 65
    statistics 518 65
    algorithm 1502 63
    web2.0 1256 62
    photography 814 60
    media 886 60
    future 2262 60
    food 981 60
    computers 1735 59
    mind 622 58
    read 234 57
    finance 869 57
    society 501 57
    humor 237 56
    movie 855 56
    windows 1623 55
    artists 1341 55
    computing 294 55
    thesis 854 55
    ai 1265 54
    of 704 54
    @wikipedia 591 54
    todo 2443 53
    brain 1067 53
  4. Construct Article Tag Subset

    The table article_tag_subset then constructs its columns from the selected 100 tag attributes. Each data object has 100 tag attributes. The numeric value of attributes indicates the original count number of the tag. If the article does not have the tag, the value is 0. I developed a python script to extract the data from the related table. The main function is below.

     def add_tag_column(self):
                if self.cursor.execute('select name,idtags from popular_tags'):
                    for row in rows:
    			('ALTER TABLE article_tag_subset ADD COLUMN `%s` 
    			  INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0' % (row[0]));
    			('update article_tag_subset,  article_tags set %s=`count` 
    			  where article_tag_subset.idarticles=article_tags.idarticles
            	          and idtags=%d' % (str(row[0]), int(row[1])))          
                        except Exception, xx:
            except Exception,x: 
                return -1

    Here is an data object from table article_tag_subset. As you will see, only a few attributes are present in the data object, the rest attributes are non-present.

    Association Rule Mining

    1. Discretized attribute

      The association rule mining algorithm only applies for the nominal data attribute. Then I used remove and discretize filter to preprocess the data. The remove filter will remove the id, title data attributes from the data set. Due to the 1G memory size limitation, WEKA failed to build the association model for the dataset which has more than 10 tag attributes. So the remove filter delete the extra tag data and leaves 10 tags in pre-processing.

      Discretize filter transforms the numeric data into nominal data by splitting the value into 10 groups. Here is the configuration parameter for discretize filter and the attribute summary after discretize.

    2. Aprior Algorithm

      I applied Apriori algorithms in wikipedia tag dataset. It is the basic algorithm in association rule mining algorithms. It iteratively reduces the minimum support until it finds the required number of rules with the given minimum confidence. Here is the configuration page I used in aprior algorithm.

    WorkFlow in WEKA

    The whole workflow I created for mining the association rule in tag data set is as below. In the workflow, It processed 2359 article data with top 10 tag attributes.

    Association Rules Result

    1. Aprior Performance Metric
      • Minimum support: 0.95 (2359 instances)
      • Minimum metric : 0.9
      • Number of cycles performed: 1
    2. Generated sets of large itemsets
      • Size of set of large itemsets L(1): 10
      • Size of set of large itemsets L(2): 45
      • Size of set of large itemsets L(3): 120
      • Size of set of large itemsets L(4): 210
      • Size of set of large itemsets L(5): 252
      • Size of set of large itemsets L(6): 209
      • Size of set of large itemsets L(7): 115
      • Size of set of large itemsets L(8): 37
      • Size of set of large itemsets L(9): 5
    3. Best rules found
      • culture='(0-16]' 2476 ==> research='(0-47.8]' 2476 conf:(1)
      • reference='(0-73.2]' culture='(0-16]' 2474 ==> research='(0-47.8]' 2474 conf:(1)
      • science='(0-33.4]' 2473 ==> research='(0-47.8]' 2473 conf:(1)
      • reference='(0-73.2]' science='(0-33.4]' 2471 ==> research='(0-47.8]' 2471 conf:(1)
      • programming='(0-71]' culture='(0-16]' 2470 ==> research='(0-47.8]' 2470 conf:(1)
      • reference='(0-73.2]' programming='(0-71]' culture='(0-16]' 2469 ==> research='(0-47.8]' 2469 conf:(1)
      • science='(0-33.4]' culture='(0-16]' 2468 ==> research='(0-47.8]' 2468 conf:(1)
      • science='(0-33.4]' programming='(0-71]' 2467 ==> research='(0-47.8]' 2467 conf:(1)
      • reference='(0-73.2]' science='(0-33.4]' programming='(0-71]' 2466 ==> research='(0-47.8]' 2466 conf:(1)
      • reference='(0-73.2]' science='(0-33.4]' culture='(0-16]' 2466 ==> research='(0-47.8]' 2466 conf:(1)
    idarticle_tag_subset idarticles wikipedia wiki reference history research science programming culture people philosophy interesting article art politics design software language books psychology technology music theory development math computer religion literature education information business health mathematics writing definition fun inspiration internet linux encyclopedia articles cool web english economics travel architecture reading physics film network biography video games learning algorithms book - security tools opensource movies hardware words work funny social management free usa info biology game ideas school tech list artist statistics algorithm web2.0 photography media future food computers mind read finance society humor movie computing thesis artists windows of @wikipedia ai brain todo
    1 15 3 1 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0