Unit 6: Namespacing, Authentication, Authorization, ActiveSupport

Feb 21, 2011


Learn more about the Rails framework by reading about the fundamentals and ActiveSupport.

Learn about authentication (who are you?), authorization (permissions) and how simple namespacing allows you to "scope" different areas of your application.

Recap / Prerequisites

Whew! You should have completed Project 5. Be sure to continually improve your subsequent projects according to the feedback you have received.


This is our last "mini application" project that tests your ability to implement common Web application features. Our goal this week is to create a basic application with public, admin and members' areas that leverages well-known gems to implement authentication and authorization.

Topics & Resources

Be sure to view the following screencasts before engaging in Project 6.

General topics for this week

Topics Related to Project 6

First, a couple preliminaries:

Next, these three videos show one approach to controlling application access. These are important to study and understand, but realize that our approach for project 6 is different.

Lastly, these videos are directly related to project 6.