Unit 4: Common Application Features & the Rails Way

Jan 31, 2011


Build a Web application on your own, without guidance. Gain a deeper understanding of MVC and how to implement common application features.

Recap / Prerequisites

Whew! You should have completed the Depot application, and thus have been introduced to Rails. For the next few weeks we will be exploring common features and design patterns in Web applications and you will learn how a framework's features should be designed to facilitate common developer tasks.

Subsequent units will be application-focused, to provide you a context for learning about common application requirements and how to implement them painlessly with Rails.

The Rails Way

First, take a brief look at the simple application you have to build this week. Once you get a general feel for how this application needs to be built, try your best to meet the requirements of the specification. The following topics for this week will definitely help:

Railscast 131: Going Back.

Railscast 8: Layouts and content_for

Pay attention to the validations needed. Only server-side validation is required.

Railscast 31: Formatting Time

Learn how to get some mileage out of the css overflow property.

Get familiar with the console. Railscast 48: Console Tricks.

Some tips on model partials and forms. Railscast 80.

You should be familiar with migrations syntax. Railscast 83.

Be familiar with these view techniques. Railscast 100.

Get your layouts to display appropriately styled flashes automatically. Railscast 18.

Know how to seed your database with data. Railscast 179: Seed Data.

Our goal this week is to create an application that leverages the framework as much as possible. After reviewing your approach to solving certain features, I'll provide you feedback on whether you nailed it, leveraging the framework, or if you overlooked an easier way to implement a feature "the Rails Way."