Project 7.4: Beta Launch, Monkey Testing

April 18, 2011


Take a breather from our long project, and see what your fellow classmates have implemented.

Understand the importance of "monkey testing."


You should have completed Project 7.3 and your application should be in production.


This week, you are going to simply:

First, your application should be in production. This means that you must be sensitive to availability and reliability. In other words, your app shouldn't go down (handled by Heroku and your deployment scheme) and you must preserve the production database (no dropping and recreating your production db). The latter often introduces interesting challenges for production applications, especially with large databases.

Next, take a look at this list. You need to visit each production URL, register yourself and create some armada components. Please, please have fun with this and create as many wacky components as you wish. The zanier the better!

Lastly, if you encounter an error (either a requirements/logic error or an exception) be sure to create a Lighthouse ticket in the appropriate project. Project names in Lighthouse have been updated with their respective node types. Practice good bug reporting by providing a brief description of the error you witness, the relevant URL and what you did to create the error.

Grading criteria (600 points)

You must create at least one component on each application (50 points each).

Each ticket you create on another team's node counts as an extra 1% credit on the final exam. (Ten tickets maximum.)

These tasks are due by Monday, April 25 @ 11:59PM.