Project 23 (ecs07)

March 8, 2010

This project has intermediate milestones that are relevant to your grade.


Build the first part of the Virtual Machine translator (the second part is implemented in chapter 8) focusing on the implementation of the stack arithmetic and memory access commands of the VM language.


You will need two tools: the programming language in which you will implement your VM translator, and the CPU Emulator supplied with the book. This emulator will allow you to execute the machine code generated by your VM translator -- an indirect way to test the correctness of the latter. Another tool that may come handy in this project is the visual VM Emulator supplied with the book. This program allows experimenting with a working VM implementation before you set out to build one yourself. For more information about this tool, refer to the VM Emulator Tutorial.


Write a VM-to-Hack translator, conforming to the VM Specification, Part I (Section 7.2) and the Standard VM-on-Hack Mapping, Part I (Section 7.3.1). Use it to translate the test .vm programs supplied below, yielding corresponding .asm programs written in the Hack assembly language. When executed on the supplied CPU Emulator, the assembly programs generated by your translator should deliver the results mandated by the supplied test scripts and compare files.

Building Plan

This part of the translator will be built in two stages. This will allow you to unit-test your implementation incrementally, using the test programs supplied below.

Stage I, Stack arithmetic commands: The first version of your VM translator should implement the nine stack arithmetic and logical commands of the VM language as well as the push constant x command (which, among other things, will help testing the nine former commands). Note that the latter is the generic push command for the special case where the first argument is constant and the second argument x is some decimal constant.

Stage II, Memory access commands: The next version of your translator should include a full implementation of the VM language's push and pop commands, handling all eight memory segments. You should break this stage into the following sub-stages:

  1. You have already handled the constant segment
  2. Next, handle the segments local, argument, this, and that
  3. Next, handle the pointer and temp segments, in particular allowing modification of the bases of the this and that segments
  4. Finally, handle the static segment.

An estimated timeline with project milestones is provided at the bottom of this project document.

Test Programs

Five VM programs are supplied, designed to unit-test the proposed implementation stages described above. For each program Xxx we supply four files, beginning with the program's code in Xxx.vm. The Xxx_vm.tst script allows running the program on the supplied VM Emulator, so that you can gain familiarity with the program's intended operation. After translating the program using your VM Translator, the supplied Xxx.tst and Xxx.cmp scripts allow testing the translated assembly code on the CPU Emulator.

Testing the arithmetic commands implementation:

Program Description Test scripts
SimpleAdd.vm Pushes and adds two constants.




StackTest.vm Executes a sequence of arithmetic and logical operations on the stack.




Testing the memory access commands implementation:

Program Description Test scripts
BasicTest.vm Executes pop and push operations using the virtual memory segments




PointerTest.vm Executes pop and push operations using the pointer, this and that segments.




StaticTest.vm Executes pop and push operations using the static segment.





The VM Emulator: This Java-based VM implementation illustrates how the VM works, using visual GUI and animation effects. Specifically, it allows executing VM programs directly, without having to translate them first into machine language. This practice enables experimentation with the VM environment before you set out to implement one yourself. Here is a typical screen shot of the VM Emulator in action:

Recommended Steps

First, read ECS chapter 7. Then, you should also quickly read these additional slides and this VM Emulator Tutorial.

I recommend you use the same language you used to create your Assembler, but you may use a different language for this project. Again, choose with intent and realize that you are responsible for being productive with the language that you choose.

Within your src directory, create a subdir named project07. Extract the contents of into it.

Add, commit and push the new files.

cd src/project07
git add *
git commit -m "Adding project07 files. Push! Pop! Squirt!"
git push

Write and test your VM code in the stages described above, adhering to the contract specified in chapter 7. For each one of the five test programs, follow these steps:

  1. Run the Xxx.vm program on the supplied VM Emulator, using the XxxVME.tst test script, to get acquainted with the intended program's behavior.
  2. Use your VM Translator to translate the .vm file. The result should be a text file containing a translated .asm program, written in the Hack assembly language.
  3. Inspect the translated .asm program. If there are visible syntax (or any other) errors, debug and fix your translator.
  4. Use the supplied .tst and .cmp files to run your translated .asm program on the CPU Emulator. If there are run-time errors, debug and fix your translator.

The supplied test programs were carefully planned to test the specific features of each stage in your VM implementation. Therefore, it is important to implement your translator in the proposed order, and to test it using the appropriate test programs at each stage. Implementing a later stage before an early one may cause the test programs to fail.

Initialization: In order for any translated VM program to start running, it must include a preamble startup code that forces the VM implementation to start executing it on the host platform. In addition, in order for any VM code to operate properly, the VM implementation must store the base addresses of the virtual segments in the correct locations in the host RAM. Both issues -- startup code and segments initializations -- are implemented in the next project. The difficulty of course is that we need these initializations in place in order to run the test programs given in this project. The good news are that you should not worry about these issues at all, since the supplied test scripts carry out all the necessary initializations in a manual fashion (for the purpose of this project only).


Collaborate. We have a lot of code to write for the remainder of this semester.

Start early and experiment. This project will take some hacking *bzzzt*.

Stick to the milestones below; the first two milestones are not time-intensive.

Grading Criteria (700 pts)

Due Date Points Description Grading Criteria
March 10 @ 11:59PM 50 Confirm your language I must receive an email telling me what language you intend to use, even if its the same as the previous project.
March 12 @ 4:00PM 100 Translator Prep You must read chapter 7, review these extra slides and read the VM Emulator tutorial.
You must commit & push the initial project07 files.
You must implement a simple driver program that opens a .vm file for reading and a .asm file for writing.
You must stub out the Parser and modules on pages 144 - 146.
March 24 @ 5:00PM 300 Pass SimpleAdd, StackTest tests You must commit & push a version of your VM Translator that successfully translates SimpleAdd.vm and StackTest.vm.
March 26 @ 5:00PM 150 Pass BasicTest test You must commit & push a version of your VM Translator that successfully translates BasicTest.vm
March 29 @ 5:00PM 300 Pass PointerTest, StaticTest tests You must commit & push a version of your VM Translator that successfully translates PointerTest.vm and StaticTest.vm.
n/a extra credit Share snippets Share your gists containing regular expressions, code snippets (eg, opening & writing to files), helpful libraries, etc by posting links to your gists on the forum.

Your repository must show a history of work. You should be committing at least every time you complete a milestone (per the ones above or your own intermediate milestones). A repository log showing one commit with a message like "project done" is not acceptable.

The final due date is 5PM on Monday, March 29.