=== Associator model === Scheme: Apriori Relation: final-weka.filters.unsupervised.instance.SubsetByExpression-Enot ismissing(ATT13)-weka.filters.unsupervised.instance.SubsetByExpression-EATT10 is '0.0' or ATT10 is '1.0'-weka.filters.unsupervised.instance.SubsetByExpression-Enot (ATT11 is 'Q')-weka.filters.unsupervised.instance.SubsetByExpression-Enot (ATT1=0.1)-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.NumericToNominal-Rfirst-last-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.MergeTwoValues-Cfirst-F5-S6-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.MergeTwoValues-Cfirst-F5-S6-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.MergeTwoValues-Cfirst-F5-S6-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.MergeTwoValues-Cfirst-F5-S6-weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Remove-V-R1-4 Apriori ======= Minimum support: 0.7 (601 instances) Minimum metric : 0.9 Number of cycles performed: 6 Generated sets of large itemsets: Size of set of large itemsets L(1): 4 Size of set of large itemsets L(2): 6 Size of set of large itemsets L(3): 4 Size of set of large itemsets L(4): 1 Best rules found: 1. Punishment=30 816 ==> Survey=20 816 conf:(1) 2. Survey=20 816 ==> Punishment=30 816 conf:(1) 3. Prize=10 Punishment=30 773 ==> Survey=20 773 conf:(1) 4. Survey=20 Prize=10 773 ==> Punishment=30 773 conf:(1) 5. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 687 ==> Survey=20 687 conf:(1) 6. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 687 ==> Prize=10 687 conf:(1) 7. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 687 ==> Punishment=30 687 conf:(1) 8. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Prize=10 687 ==> Survey=20 687 conf:(1) 9. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Survey=20 687 ==> Prize=10 687 conf:(1) 10. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 687 ==> Survey=20 Prize=10 687 conf:(1) 11. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Punishment=30 687 ==> Survey=20 687 conf:(1) 12. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Survey=20 687 ==> Punishment=30 687 conf:(1) 13. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 687 ==> Survey=20 Punishment=30 687 conf:(1) 14. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Punishment=30 687 ==> Prize=10 687 conf:(1) 15. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Prize=10 687 ==> Punishment=30 687 conf:(1) 16. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 687 ==> Prize=10 Punishment=30 687 conf:(1) 17. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Prize=10 Punishment=30 687 ==> Survey=20 687 conf:(1) 18. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Survey=20 Punishment=30 687 ==> Prize=10 687 conf:(1) 19. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Survey=20 Prize=10 687 ==> Punishment=30 687 conf:(1) 20. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Punishment=30 687 ==> Survey=20 Prize=10 687 conf:(1) 21. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Prize=10 687 ==> Survey=20 Punishment=30 687 conf:(1) 22. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 Survey=20 687 ==> Prize=10 Punishment=30 687 conf:(1) 23. Rating=0.9_0.925_0.94_0.95_1 687 ==> Survey=20 Prize=10 Punishment=30 687 conf:(1) 24. Prize=10 816 ==> Survey=20 773 conf:(0.95) 25. Survey=20 816 ==> Prize=10 773 conf:(0.95) 26. Punishment=30 816 ==> Prize=10 773 conf:(0.95) 27. Prize=10 816 ==> Punishment=30 773 conf:(0.95) 28. Survey=20 Punishment=30 816 ==> Prize=10 773 conf:(0.95) 29. Punishment=30 816 ==> Survey=20 Prize=10 773 conf:(0.95) 30. Prize=10 816 ==> Survey=20 Punishment=30 773 conf:(0.95) 31. Survey=20 816 ==> Prize=10 Punishment=30 773 conf:(0.95)