Project 9: Applied Theory & Practice II, KDD Cup 2011 Challenge



Test your mettle against a real-world data mining competition problem, the Yahoo-sponsored KDD Cup 2011 challenge.

Can you generate a prediction model for "Track 1," predicting scores that users give to various music items?

Follow the instructions and support materials on the 2011 KDD Cup Web site for Track 1. Spend time exploring and understanding the data. Investigate the provided code for an example of one approach to model training, validation and application. Do your best, given our time constraints, to create your own predictive model.

You must create a brief paper that describes the process you have undertaken in attempting to solve this challenge.

Grading Criteria (1000 points)

I must be able to pull your repository which contains your writeup of your data mining process.

Due Date

This assignment is due by midnight on Friday, December 16.